Pia Guanio gives birth to baby girl

Television host Pia Guanio gave birth to her first baby Scarlett Janine on August 30, 2012 at 1:30 am.

Baby Janine weighs 7.8 pounds and measures 20 inches and was welcomed via Caesarean Section.

In an interview by the "24 Oras", Guanio said that when her baby cried, she also cried out of happiness.
First time ko narinig 'yung iyak niya (Scarlett), sinabayan ko siya, pareho kaming umiyak
Nakaraos din, I'm so happy. Merong time na akala ko hindi na mangyayari 'yung manganganak na ako dahil sa tagal ng hinintay.
She added that her husband, Steve Mago was thequite happy as well and he was the official photographer of this wonderful happening.


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