Viral Video: Fat man bullying MMDA officer

A man in berserk while bullying an MMDA officer caught on tape by TV5 people in now viral.

According to the video description, the MMDA officer, Saturnino Fabros said that he approached the car of what is known as Robert Blair Carabuena as he blocked the intersection. Then, Carabuena got angry, berserk, and tried to hit the officer.

The video description said:
This happened August 14, 2012. According to the MMDA, the enforcer signaled the driver, Robert "Blair" Carabuena from Philip Morris Philippines to stop to prevent the intersection from being blocked. Carabuena went on and did the inevitable, blocked the intersection. The MMDA enforcer flagged down Carabuena's vehicle to confront him. Carabuena disembarked from his vehicle and went berserk. Carabuena hit the enforcer with the thing that he is holding and later on, slapped the enforcer.
The MMDA confirmed that they will be filing charges against this man. Legal experts agreed that this can be a  direct assault to an officer in duty.

According to a report by the T3, where the video was first played, Carabuena will also file legal charges against the officer.

Here is the video:

MMDA are officials of the country. They should be respected, and followed.


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