Plane Crash Caught on Tape

A plane crash was caught on tape by one of the passenger.

The pilot was the 70-year-old Les Gropp and with him are his son, Tol Gropp, Nathan William, and another friend.

In an interview, Tol, told the reporters that at first the fly was smooth, when suddenly they are already through the trees, and crash. His dad, Les, suffered from a jaw injury and the rest were ok.

Their cellphones were useless as there is no signal around. But, after few minutes a retired firefighter appeared and helped them. The old firefighter took care of Les for quite sometime.

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) investigated and didn't see anything wrong with the plane. The agency reported that the plane "started losing altitude and experienced a downdraft, which was followed by it's wings impacting the tops of the surrounding trees".

All men were all grateful that they are alive.

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