Petition is up to OUST Sotto

An online petition was created seeking to oust Senator Vicente Tito Sotto off the senate.

The online petition was entitled "1 Million Signatures in 30 Days to OUST Tito Sotto from the Philippine Senate" and hosted through

The petition stated three reasons and they are:
1. He is a popular public figure yet he uses his political and showbiz influence to spread misinformation about reproductive health. Ultimately, this is bad for our brothers and sisters who belong to lower-income families with 5 to 15 children and hence cannot afford proper sex education.
2. He is a serial plagiarist and shows no remorse about it. He steals other people's opinions when he doesn't have his own and shamelessly distorts them to advance his own stupid, selfish cause. He is a very bad example to the youth who might as well be allowed to cheat in their exams and he bends religious teachings to justify his acts.
3. He is sexist. He blames the death of his unborn child on his wife's unconscious use of contraceptives when he could have prevented the accidental pregnancy by wearing a condom during their intercourse. Must the responsibility of avoiding accidental pregnancy always fall first on the shoulders of our women?
As of the writing the petition already received 7,875 supporters and needed 992,125 more.


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