Charice's Manager: Why Filipinos claim Jessica Sanchez?

Courtney Blooding, the manager of Charice Pempengco made a trend in Twitter after she questioned the Way Filipinos "claim" Jessica Sanchez.

Ok, I have a legit question. I am not trying to judge or anything, I just want to know.
Here is the question...why do the Philippines claim Jessica Sanchez? Jessica was born an raised in the US. I don't THINK she speaks tagalog.
Which, to me, makes her true American. How many people in the US come from mixed cultural backgrounds? We r a melting pot.
If only the people of the Philippines would stop looking elsewhere and focus on local things, maybe they could see the value of many of the great people and resources there. Many great things and people there. It's just a group mentality that it's not good enough.

Blooding quickly clarified that it's not CHarice's expence, but she thinks that it's wrong the Filipinos claim Sanchez.

She said via a reply to a follower:
It's not really at Charice's expense...I mean there is room for everyone an people will love or hate no matter what. But I just think it's kind of wrong to say Jessica is part of Filipino pride when she is American before anything else.
But, she said that she felt insulted that Filipinos only claimed Charice when she rose into fame.
And the more I think about it, I start to get insulted on many levels. Ph can't claim something that is made in USA. And they only wanted to claim Charice after people in the USA put value in her. It's wrong for both singers. Sorry, I'm just feeling a bit indignant about the situation.


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